
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hong Kong Day 3: The Dragon Boat Festival

Today was fun day. I didn’t feel good last night so I took some meds that helped me sleep so I only woke up once –im getting better at this sleeping thing. I woke up at 7:15 and got all set to run, but it was pouring so instead I ate a kudos bar and took a shower. Today we went to the annual Dragon Boat Festival. From Wikipedia “It is held in memory of the Chinese poet Qu Yuan. He commited suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption in the Chu government. The local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fishes to prevent them from eating Qu's body. They also sat on dragon boats, and tried to scare the fishes away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking dragon-head in the front of the boat.” I was very thankful that Nick had asked around and gotten directions to do this. This festival happens in Stanley on Hong Kong Island –about as far from us as possible. Stanley is on the Southeast side of Hong Kong Island. Unfortunately our group lost a person. Mike –the biggest guy in our group (go figure!). we arent exactly sure when we lost him –don’t worry since coming back 8 hrs later we found him here at the hotel. But I think we lost him before we went on the subway and once we got off the green subway and got on the red subway which takes us under the water to HKI (Hong Kong Island). By then there was no way we would find him. I wonder what he ended up doing?

Anywho we went to Central HKI and from there got on a bus (bus 6) we should have gone on bus 6 express because it goes through a tunnel and is quicker to get to Stanley. But going on bus 6 was very scenic. Once we got there it was sooo crowded!! I heard from someone in our group that they expect 25,000 extra people to stop by this town. It was nice to see people who spoke english –we heard lots of british accents. We watched some of the races and I saw some chinese cheerleaders who cheered for the team Herbalsol. They were also handing out free samples of a healthy mix of tea and juice. I tried some (maybe this was a bad idea but it seemed like it was ok because it was a brand name) it definitely tasted healthy and wasn’t the best thing. We left the water and went to a restaurant where we got pizza –it was very good actually. Then we walked around and shopped at a market which had pretty good prices. I need to get over my dislike of bartering, because I can get some really good prices for things here.

Then we left Stanley and went back to Central HKI. There we wondered around and looked at the pretty architecture around the city. We were confused by the number of women who were camped out on the streets of the city. They werent homeless because they had bags from DKNY and other stores and some were looking bored while others were just chatting and playing cards. It was very weird. I will post a picture of it. Then we went back to HKBU.

Then the most amazing thing happened!!! On my walk with Chelsea and John back to the NTT House (the hotel I am staying at) I heard my name being shouted. There across the street was MAGGIE MCCORMICK!! For those of you who don’t know she goes to Taylor and is friends with me (but better friends with Benjamin and Mange –or so they would like to think so). She has been studying abroad here and leaves tomorrow, but actually is living in a dorm a few buildings away. Amazing huh? I sure thought so. It definitely was better than any boat race to see a friendly face. =) thanks maggie. It was amazing that we just happened to be passing each other on separte sides of the street –and that she saw and recognized me! I am so glad we stopped at the grocery store. =D

anywho im chilling here. Tomorrow the party is over. I have to work at 9 which means I need to leave the hotel by 8:20. Maggie says there is a quicker way for us to get to where we work and that she will email me directions soon. =) anywho im getting sick of this rambling and this is getting to long. Later dudes!


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