
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hong Kong Day 8: Sushi and Ladies

Today was a good day. Last night I got sick (maybe something I ate, so I went in to work a little late) I feel better now. We figured out a big thing at work and got new stuff to work on. Only we don’t really understand that. Our prof said that if we understood what we just finished, we will understand this (yeah we didn’t and now we don’t). it is frustrating because we are working on work that Dr. Fairweather, our prof, and 4 other professors worked on. It is a lot more advanced than anything we ever did. I feel like we wont find anything worth writing or presenting about. Oh well, tomorrow is another day to fumble around with finite difference methods to solve differential equations.

We met Kinnex, Sean, and Tony for lunch. They took us to Lok Fu, the shopping mall near the soccer courts and took us to a local Japanese restaurant. The whole menu was in Chinese so we were lucky to have them with us. They ordered a few meals and we all split it. They ordered 3 noodle dishes, some sushi, and just in case we hated all the local food -a western meal (or spare riblets and fries I think). It was so much fun. And off of this food was only 150 HK dollars for all 5 of us. So all together it was about 4 dollars for a delicious meal. I enjoyed all of it. I should have others order stuff for me more often. I had weird mushrooms and raw eel wrapped in seaweed, raw crab with crab eggs, raw salmon, shrimp, and some other pinkish fish. It was very good. I had an embarrassing moment though. We had been talking about summer jobs and Kinnex asked me, “what do you do with your salary?” Only I thought he had asked, “what do you do with your celery?” So I answer enthusiastically, “oh we put peanut butter on it and eat it, though I eat it raw sometimes. Sometimes we cut it up and put it in salads or put it in casseroles. I think they put it with tuna a lot. Why do you ask? How do you eat your celery” The boys looked pretty confused so Chelsea said, “Oh I don’t think that is what they asked.” Man I am blonde! I was wondering why he was asking me about celery. =) anyways it was good. They asked me about watching the DaVinci Code, Tony had read the book and seen the movie. I told them it was good, but long. Chelsea and I think Tony has the best English of the guys. She said that she noticed the others looking to him to help them understand what we were saying. They speak so nice and softly it makes me feel as though I talk too loud, I think I will work on that. Anyways lunch took a little longer, but it was ok. It was so much fun.

Later after struggling to understand a paper about what we are working on we went back and tried to get into the workout place at HKBU, but we couldn’t because we don’t have Ids. I hope they give us some soon im tired of doing pushups and squats. So I went running instead. Sam, nick, guangming, john, and Michael decided they wanted to go get Indian food. They didn’t tell us about it until it was too late for us to go. That was rather sad for the rest of us, especially because they took dr. fairweather with. So instead those of us left behind, Meghan, Andrea, Chelsea, and I went to Ladies market. We had “Iron Mike” be our sugar daddy and pimp us around. He was so fun to have with us to haggle at the markets. He would tell them, “oh no this girl here, she has purses up her wazoo, she don’t need no more purses!!” we were all pretty successful, I wont tell what the others bought in case they are presents. I bought a black purse (like the white purse Sam bought –I was kinda worried about copying her, but heck I wont be ever seeing her around after 7 weeks!) I over paid I think, but it was still less than 20 US dollars, so it wasn’t too bad. I also got a necklace and a pretty white skirt. Finally we went home and now here I am.


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