
Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hong Kong Days 27-31

So Benjamin finally was able to come. I met him Saturday night. It took him 3 hrs to get to his hotel because his ride did not come and get him because he was a day late. After he got in I took him to mong kok to eat at the Singapore restaurant that some of the soccer guys had taken me. It was good. I tried some strange coconut drink with rice. I had some fish thing and it was delicious. Benjamin had perhaps one of the strangest things he ate here. It was a blueberry drink that was like jello. So it was drinking a jello thing. Afterwards we went back to my hotel so he could email his mom. It was so good to see him =) his hotel room was so small. It had a good view though.

The next day we went a little into sai kung (I think) to Clearwater beach. It was so pretty and I do not think it is the most beautiful of the sai kung beaches. We had to take a bus to get there. Pui was a big help in helping us find it (sean too a little). It was very cool –crowded because it was a Sunday I think and because it was not too far away from kowloon. The bus ride was like 45 mins. It was cool though, we did not want to travel too much because Benjamin was tired. There were other white people at the beach too so that was good and again the water was so warm. On our way back we ate at one of Chelsea and my favorite sandwich shops at kowloon tong. After we went back and cleaned up, we went to Victoria peak. It was so gorgeous and so much better than when I went before because it was a such a clear night. I really enjoyed walking around there with Benjamin. Although I think he was more excited about finding strange bugs and lizards then his “sexy” girl. Haha. Oh well. We also go delicious ice cream from hagan dozz (cant spell –don’t care) I got a green tea shake it was delicious =)

Monday I had to go to work –late too because we had to present =/ Benjamin was left to wander the city. And met us for some pizza at EXP at Festival walk. Then after work he met me at my hotel and we went and played soccer with some of my soccer friends. I played horrid and even henry told me that I played not so good and that he thought I was nervous because my boyfriend was there. We played again this little kid who was amazing. He could score at will. Benjamin scored one of our goals =) that was cool. There was an old white man who played with us –he was a pastor. He said I fouled him but I do not think I did, oh well I gave him the ball anyways. He talked a bit to us after and invited me to play with some other people on other days. I do not know if I could figure out where to find them. Besides I like the people I play with now anyways. Pui was very sweet and came and met us for dinner after soccer. We went to this place and I asked kinnex to order for us and get us something typical of HK. I got something that was decently good. It was a fried egg on top of some beef and rice. Benjamin’s dish ---which I think was kind of a joke—was some noodles with some shrimp with like a cabbage wrap and some beef balls. Haha. He did not especially like it and said it was probably the weirdest thing he ate here. We asked what the balls were and sean pointed down towards his loins haha. What a funny kid. He really reminds me of mange. Anyways after that we got lost going back to my hotel, but finally some nice people helped us and we got back. Benjamin got a little sick from the curry pizza he had for lunch or the beef balls or the combination of both of them with soccer. That was pretty funny for me and miserable for him. Poor guy. =P

Tuesday, we just bummed around. We went to mong kok for lunch. It was delicious. We went to this place called pokka café or something like that. It was a little pricey but really delicious. I got some beef and chicken (western style) and Benjamin got some curry (this was now his third meal of curry since he arrived. I got us some sushi too which came after we were full from our meal. I still enjoyed it even though Benjamin did not. I really have liked all the sushi I have had here. I think I will start buying some for dinners sometimes. Anyways. Then we shopped around mong kok and then went to HKI to go to Victoria Park –since I had not been there. It was alright. Again I have not been that impressed with the parks and gardens here in hk. But it was still pretty to walk around. They had very nice sport places and 4 soccer courts I think. We also found some “foot massage” pebble paths. They did not massage my feet!! They hurt! Maybe it was because I walked barefoot on it ---later we saw signs that said not to do this. Oops. Stupid tourists. Anyways then we went back and got ready to go on this dinner cruise thing. Good thing we left early for it because I was given bad directions. But we found it and was on time too. The food was not as good as at the RR6, but after quickly eating we went up to the top of the boat and that was very pretty and I enjoyed standing and watching the city from Victoria Harbor for a few hours.

Haha oh yeah and some artist guy sketched Benjamin and my picture for free. He made me look a lot like Fabio though. I guess when he signed it he didn’t mention which was the handsome gentleman and beautiful girl. I think I look more manly than Benjamin. Overall, the guy was funny and I think this sketch is funny. I sure hope I don’t usually look like that, but oh well I probably do. How depressing!

After the cruise we had time to stop by Temple street market. Benjamin got his mom a gift and then finally found some shoes and we just had fun walking around the market. He bought a shirt too –I like it a lot. I think I will have no problem finding some gifts to bring back to him =)

I was very sad that Benjamin could not stay an extra day since he got here so late. And today (Wednesday) it poured!!! It was some typhoon warning 1 or something so tomorrow it will rain a lot too. We were planning on going to kowloon park, but instead because of the rain went to the avenue of stars and wandered around the mall near there –it is the largest one in hk, I think it is harbour city or something. Anyways. After that Benjamin had to leave. That was very sad. I am sad now, but tomorrow my parents come so that will comfort me a little. I still don’t know what we will do, I guess we will find out. Once Benjamin left, I went to work and worked a couple hours. I was glad I worked extra last Friday so I could hang out with him before he left. Then I went running and now I have been writing this journal entry that has gotten too long!! Ugh. i will talk to you all later...those of you still reading --i know i have stopped paying attention


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