
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Hong Kong Day 24:

Today was the best day of work. We worked with our proof that for the DR case there are n+1 roots. It was my kind of math stuff ---proving stuff. dr. sun even said good. Chelsea did not hear it, but I swear he told us softly (maybe begrudgingly) good. For lunch we left to meet Henry and some of his classmates, Kyler, Kurt, and Michael. His English is very good and it was a lot of fun. They took us to a Korean restaurant and we had food there that was the closest thing to American Chinese food. I got this fried chicken that was close to redish golden chicken at the mall. Chelsea got this fried rice with pineapple and chicken. Henry had a sore throat so he had a mask on when we first see him, but then he took it off when he saw us. that made me glad. I did not want him to have to wear mask. I also had some soy milk at the restaurant. It was just alright –strange tasting for someone who does not really like milk. I took some pictures of me on the MTR (subway) when it was not crowded.

After work I went over and played soccer –sort of. I did not get to play much because we kept getting kicked off the courts. Also henry had the game at 4 so I came late because I worked until 5. It was ok. we went to some other courts I had never been too. Again we got kicked off. So we played cards for a bit (I happened to have my princess cards with me ---the guys LLLLOOOVVVEEEDDD that ugh). Kenneth, Michael, and Kurt all played basketball with a guy who was there named Howard. I made everyone who was waiting for the soccer court -except tony because he did not want to- go play basketball. It was a lot of fun. I am still horrible even when I play with shorter people. I did make 1 basket. Then we played soccer against a group of really good guys. They had amazing touch and footwork and had good spacing as a team. I was impressed. We did ok too I thought. Some went out to eat, but I did not because of personal reasons. It was overall a good day. Tomorrow some of us are going to a bar to watch the game. It should be fun. I hope the usa wins.


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