
Monday, June 19, 2006

Hong Kong Day 21: Beach

Today I woke up and attempted to run at 10:45am. It was sooo hot!! I could not run for very long. Then I ate a PB&J sandwich and met Kinnex, Sean, Pui, Kenneth, Colman, and a new guy I had not met named Vincennes but I just called him Vic. They went to KFC to eat and then we all went to a beach near Kinnex’s house. Kenneth and some of the others told me that this is not a very great beach in HK. It is actually artificial –man made- I think. It was fine. Because it was Sunday, it was pretty crowded. When we got there. We set down our things. They bought a little mat to sit on. It was different from what my friends would bring. If we were going we would have just brought a big blanket or all used our towels. We walked over to the volleyball courts to try to play. I was the only white “westerner” as the HK peeps say. Everyone stared. It was embarrassing. We didn’t actually play vb because the courts were full, so we just bumped the ball around and played monkey in the middle using the ball as a soccerball. Then we went into the water. I was rather sad because all day it was very sunny and then it clouded up by the time we got to the beach. I was worried about going to the beach. But the water is sooooo much warmer here than in the oceans at the usa –and especially lake Michigan!! I had no problem getting in while the other guys were complaining how cold the water was. The water did not seem extremely clean and I could not see the bottom. But it was so warm and felt nice still. Then we played cards and we watched a cute fat asian baby playing near us. I thought them hearts and they taught me (sorta) an asian game. I think I would have to play again to learn it well. It was very strange at the beach…there were more men than girls. Which is very different from the beaches near me. There were also a lot of umbrellas around. Oh and it was so awesome. there were a lot of models –or low class models- getting their pictures taken by the beach. They were mostly Asians but also I think there was a more western looking girl too. They had props and stuff and it was quite humorous and fascinating at the same time. If I had my camera at the time I would have taken pictures. We left around 6 and went to a Malaysian restaurant in mong kok. To get there, we took a bus. A red bus which they told me meant that it would go faster because he would speed because he gets paid by how many people ride his bus. It was interesting. The restaurant was very delicious. I got some beef in white curry and rice. And we had some shrimp spring rolls and some fried squid that were good. At the bottom of the squid basket, there was something that looked like stirafone (spelling). It was white and looked like it was decoration. Kinnex asked me if I had ever eaten it. I thought he was joking, but then he and the others started eating it. So I ate it. It was like a chip and very good. Sean and kinnex got a dessert soup thing and Vic got a delicious green tea chocolate shake. It was wonderful so I ordered it, but they messed it up and just gave me some green tea ice cream with some chocolatish balls around it. It was excellent. Then I went home and sean walked me back to the hotel even though I said I was ok. Colman said that it is not good to walk alone, but I do not feel scared here. Either way it was nice to have the company. Tomorrow it is back to work. Woo. =/

PS happy fathers day!!


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