
Friday, June 09, 2006

Hong Kong Day 11 (somewhere along here I got confused on the day)

Today we woke up early to go the mathematics conference. WOW that was PAINFUL. It was way over my head (except the first one) and it is international so we were listening to Italians, Belguims, Chinese, German, etc. people speaking in English about mathematics. It is hard to understand that math and it doesn’t help when their English is not very good….furthermore some of the slides were poorly done with dark backgrounds with dark writing so it was hard to read them. Most of us left the conference early and I don’t think I will go to many this weekend. Tomorrow is a boat tour of Hong Kong so that will be fun. Everyone else from our group when to Festival Walk to go eat and watch the DaVinci Code. Since I had seen it and already made plans to play soccer, I didn’t go and instead did laundry and then went and played soccer from 7-10ish. Then we went to mcdonalds. It was fun. I really enjoy hanging out with these guys, they are good people. We are getting more used to each other so we are able to joke around with each other and slowly get sarcasm in there. It is really good. But I better get to bed its already midnight!


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