
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hong Kong Days 52 & 53

I have not wanted to update this for many reasons. First of all, my last few days in Hong Kong were very busy between finishing up work and getting last minute things done in hk. Second, I was in a long airplane ride and then wanted to enjoy the time I had with Benjamin (my boyfriend) and my family while I was here. And thirdly, I miss Hong Kong and writing about it will make me sad as well. But here I am and Im going to suck it up! I hope I make some sense as I write because I am watching Sin City as I write. I really like the movie, but I have seen it before so hopefully I can get this done. =) my favorite characters are Miho and Marv. And Nancy (Jessica alba) is sooo hot in it =D

Hong Kong Day 52: Thursday July 20th
Last night I could not sleep. This whole week has been rough on my sleeping schedule. I just cannot seem to relax at night. But last night was very bad. I went to bed around midnight and was still awake at 3:30am. I was nervous about our presentation in the morning and the longer it took me to sleep the more nervous I got because I knew I would be so tired when I got there. Well I must have finally fallen asleep, and the morning was really rough, but I managed to get myself dressed and all set for our final presentation.
The presentation went well enough. It wasn’t great but it wasn’t horrible, but it sure was boring! The other presentations seemed somewhat boring too, so Chelsea and I were in good company. They surprised Chelsea with a delicious chocolate birthday cake (since her birthday was the previous Saturday). That was so cute and nice of everyone. After the presentations, we had a nice little dim sum lunch at the refrew restaurant. Well it was dim sum, so I didn’t really enjoy it all that much, but I enjoyed the vegetables. Finally around 2 we were done and I could try to take a nap. I didn’t fall asleep, but after the nap I felt better and Andrea, Chelsea, Nick, and I went to temple street market to get last minute gifts. I then worked on finishing cds and other gifts for my hong kong friends. Speaking of which it was fun going to jussco –a department store that seemed to have everything kinda like walmart—to get the frames. They did not have a big selection nor many kinds of the frames so I kinda cleaned them out and couldn’t get similar frames. Oh well I think it all worked out. It was a late night because somehow even though I had only slept a few hours, I was not so tired.

Hong Kong Day 53: Friday July 21st, I slept in way too late Friday morning because I didn’t wake up when the hotel construction started. But I got to it and did some shopping around town. It took longer than expected and I didn’t really eat much except little bits of food here and there because I was preparing for my long flight. At 6:30 I met kinnex and henry at mcdonalds near the lok fu mtr station. They and my other hong kong friends all got together for a farewell bbq. It was so nice of them to go. We went to lion rock county park which is somewhat near lok fu. I enjoyed it a lot. There were places for grills and the guys had bought some charcoal and Tony seemed to be the official fire fanner. He would periodically fan the fire so that it wouldn’t go out. They couldn’t use wood because it is so humid and wet there that the branches wouldn’t work well for fire fuel. They use skewers like how we use in the usa, but some of the food was different. They had hotdogs or as they call it “sausage.” They also had chicken wings and chunk of beef, chicken, and fish balls. They had no ketchup and only had a jar of honey that they used to flavor the meats. Here is a photo of some of them bbqing.

They also had slices of bread and marshmallows that they roasted. It was strange to roast a slice of bread. It was also strange because they were worried about my eating habits. This is because when I am roasting hot dogs in a fire, I like to burn then. I dunno, maybe I am weird, but I like how they taste when they are overcooked –perhaps this is because I don’t normally like the taste of hotdogs, so burning it disguises the taste. Anyways I burned my hot dog, just how I like it, but Tony came up to me and was like, “You cannot eat that because it is carcinogenic –causes cancer!” How considerate!! But actually I have never heard of it, although it makes sense that it should be true. Still I ate it anyways, telling them that I like to eat the cancer, it tastes good to me ---or as jared would say, “it feels good to me!” hehe. (PS I am excited to see him hopefully soon!!) so I ate the cancerous hotdog. And it did taste good. I missed ketchup though. =/ overall the food was yummy and the company was just as good. Some girls who were bbqing near us came up and asked if they could take a photo with me. I am always surprised when this happens, but the girls were very nice. They were there celebrating one of their birfdays (the birfday girl’s name was wendy by the by). Oh I also met Basketbal girl, a the girl kinnex was worrying about seeing because of his lip a few days earlier. She was really nice and her real name is Elaine. I just call her basketball girl because that is what kinnex and pui call her. She was very friendly and wanted to take a lot of photos (so we hit it off pretty well hehe). That was cool to talk to her and enjoy everyone’s company. We walked around in the dark walking path of the park. They called it “having an adventure.” It was fun but not scary because we did not leave the path –not that we really could. It made me want to show them the woods in my backyard or at taylor. That would have been a lot more adventure-like, but this was still good. After that we left. And right now I am going to stop updating because I am dead tired –I think I am still jet lagged! All I want to do is sleep and I suppose it is good not to have too long of a post. Anyways I will finish the update on the rest of Friday night and Saturday tomorrow. Goodnight all! and goodmorning in hong kong!
here is a photo of the people who went to the bbq. =)

front: Elaine (basketball girl) and me.
back: Cindy, Jayson, Kenneth, Kinnex, Sean, Pui, Paul, Dennis, Henry, Tony, and Ho (oh and william is hiding behind tony)


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